The terran race is the simplist, and probably the weakest race of the three in the game, but it is still the funnest to play as. The other two are the zerg and protoss. In my opinion the protoss are by far the strongest, and most challeging opponent, because you have to really understand the game, and all of your races strengths in order to beat them. One of the main problems with fighting them is their early strikes w/ zealots. To fight these off you have two options... the first is to build 3-4 barracks, and just mass produce marines (don't forget to build supply depots), or you can take the more defensive route, and build only 1-2 barracks, and just fill a few bunkers. Now this is another problem all in itself. People tend to spread their bunkers way out, thinkin that they will cover more land, but really this makes you weak, and the zealots will just mow right through the defense. What you need to do is to build a bunker inbetween your command center and your minerals (easier to do if you halt all scv's for a second), and then follow it up by building a couple near and around your command center. STAY SMALL AND COMPACT. This makes it much easier, and this way your bunkers can cover each other, allowing you to easily dispose of the zealots. Now after this, you have the entire game ahead of you. You have to remember your strengths, like the emp shock-wave (science vessel) which completely knocks out the shields of all the units and buildings, and also remember to use your ghosts. The ghosts are by far the most useful weapons in the game. If you stand off the first attacks, then quickly expand in research. Your lock-down, emp and nuking strikes, will all add up to victory. For advise about the terran vs terran, and terran vs zerg, just email me, and i will email you strategy against them also.
Battle.net is great. You can play gamers of all levels, and age. You can start out by playing the "newbie" games, and then moving up to more intense, and more chalenging gaming. If you really want to improve your skills quickly, and learn how to truely play, then battle.net is tlhe place for you. Look for me in there as Prep914. Go ahead and try to beat me... i dare you...